Singing Guide: Seth & Nirva feat. tobyMac

Singing Guide: Seth & Nirva feat. tobyMac

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Seth & Nirva are two talented singers who have been gracing stages and lending their powerful voices to Christian pop and soul music since 2013. They are known for their dynamic performances, catchy hooks, and uplifting messages. These award-winning singers from Florida have produced several hit songs and albums over their career, including their latest release "Never Alone."

If you are inspired by Seth & Nirva and would like to learn how to sing like them, there are a few steps you can take to develop your own unique style. First and foremost, you need to develop good breathing habits and proper posture. This is essential for proper vocal production, and the breathing basics article can help get you started.

One of the things that sets Seth & Nirva apart is their use of vocal twang and vibrato to enhance their performances. You can find practical exercises for twang and vibrato in the twang exercise and vibrato videos located under the skill-related video resources.

It is also important to focus on your vocal range, an area where Seth & Nirva both shine. The vocal range test can help you determine your range, and the search songs by vocal range tool can help you find songs that are in your sweet spot.

When it comes to actual songs that showcase the talent of Seth & Nirva, their song "Be With Us" is a great place to start. It features uplifting lyrics, catchy hooks, and showcases their dynamic vocal range. Additionally, their rendition of "Great Are You Lord" is a must-hear for fans of Christian worship music.

In conclusion, if you are looking to learn how to sing like Seth & Nirva, start by focusing on proper breathing, vocal twang, vibrato, and discovering your vocal range using the vocal range test on Singing Carrots. Explore more of their songs and incorporate the practical advice and resources highlighted in this article to start crafting your own unique sound that captures the essence of their dynamic performances.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.